At Jumping Beans the focus is always on individual progress and enjoying sport. Our badges are a good way of giving your child-
Children learn the three fundamental building blocks of movement. Action, balance and coordination (A,B,C) using a range of different activities. Using themes children can learn safely and experiment in a fun yet structured environment.
Below are the skills we work on throughout the academic year.
*Running on the spot *Hopping *Jumping up high
*Jump a distance *Leap or jump over an obstacle *Skipping
*Roll down an incline *Start and stop running on command *Fast running
*Weight on hands and travel in *Run with changes in direction *Roll in different directions
different shapes and directions with or without apparatus
*Safe landing *Static balance on one leg *Land safely from a height
*Upside down shapes *Upside down in handstand variations * Land onto a higher surface
*Weight on hands with small swings *Weight on hands supporting the body *Land safely after leaping or
swings in support on any apparatus on any apparatus jumping over an obstacle
*Weight on hands and travel in *Static balances on different body parts *Hang upside down from a
support on any apparatus bar supported by an adult
*General development and coordination *Moving upside down and sideways *Swing in hang with tucked
using pulling strength of the upper body body or bent legs
*Swing in hang with a stretched body *Climb up apparatus to hang from * Collect hand apparatus and
shape hands and swing drop it into targets
*General development and coordination *Throw hand apparatus to a target *General development and
using hand apparatus and collect it coordination for core strength
*Dynamic balance keeping control *General development and coordination *Balance circuit
during movement using pushing strength of the upper body
*Throw a ball up let it bounce *Roll or slide hand apparatus to a target *Swing on a rope
and then catch it and then collect it
*General development and coordination
involving partner and team games